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Are you buried in debt? Are you constantly being harassed by creditors? Have you received a notice of foreclosure?

Filing for bankruptcy can help you put an end to all of these problems. At Jeff Field & Associates, our lawyers...


Bankruptcy Blog Post

What Does a Bankruptcy Petition Include?

The official document that marks the commencement of a bankruptcy proceeding in court is called a petition. This form, coupled with appropriate exhibits and schedules, is intended to give the court the information it needs to classify the case, evaluate the petitioner’s eligibility and begin the process by identifying and giving notice to the petitioner’s creditors.

The actual bankruptcy petition is the same for all types of voluntary bankruptcy. The portions that must be completed and the schedules that must be attached, however, depend on the particulars of the case. The most common required schedules are as follows:

  • Schedules A and B — Schedules A and B identify the petitioner’s real and personal property, respectively.
  • Schedule C — Schedule C identifies the property the petitioner believes is covered by the applicable bankruptcy exceptions.
  • Schedules D, E and F — These schedules identify the petitioner’s creditors. They cover secured creditors, unsecured priority creditors and other unsecured creditors, respectively.
  • Schedule G — This schedule identifies any contracts not yet completed to which the petitioner is subject.
  • Schedules I and J — These schedules identify the petitioner’s current income and current expenditures. These are only required for individual debtors.

Providing complete and accurate information on these and any other required forms or schedules is essential to the speedy resolution of your bankruptcy process. These forms can be complex and confusing. That is why our bankruptcy attorneys take the time to help our clients understand and complete the paperwork required to get their cases moving forward.

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